Nurse­ry Cham


Our day care cent­re in Cham is clo­se to the city cent­re and also easi­ly acces­si­ble by public trans­port. It offers a coun­try­si­de set­ting and thus a wide ran­ge of oppor­tu­nities for out­door acti­vi­ties. The rooms are generous­ly desi­gned and also give the child­ren the necessa­ry space inside.


The care and sup­port ser­vices are pro­vi­ded in Ger­man and Eng­lish and offer space for 38 child­ren from 3 mon­ths to kin­der­gar­ten ent­ry. The group divi­si­on allo­ws for sta­ge-appro­pria­te super­vi­si­on and care by our pro­fes­sio­nals: The­re are two todd­ler groups from 3 mon­ths to 3 years and the pre­school group from 3 years to kin­der­gar­ten ent­ry. The group sizes vary bet­ween 12 and 14 child­ren depen­ding on their age. 

Nursery Cham

Spe­cial features

The pedago­gi­cal con­cept is based on the inter­na­tio­nal «Ear­ly Years Foun­da­ti­on Sta­ge Con­cept (EYFS)». Accord­ing to the gui­ding princip­le «Lear­ning through play — play­ing while lear­ning», it sets a frame­work in which six key are­as of lear­ning are defi­ned. The­se are the are­as on which the acti­vi­ties are based, which make the day-care centre’s ever­y­day life and the wee­kly pro­gram­me varied and lively.

Ger­man and Eng­lish are equal­ly prac­ti­sed in the day-care centre.

A com­bi­na­ti­on of full-day and half-day care is pos­si­ble. We also offer last-minu­te reser­va­ti­on for addi­tio­nal days.

All Inclu­si­ve daycare

We take care of the essen­ti­als for your baby’s well-being: dia­pers and pow­de­red milk. We selec­ted orga­nic brands to gua­ran­ty the swiss qua­li­ty and safety.

For todd­lers and pre­scho­l­ar child­ren, we also offer a wide ran­ge of work­shops and excur­si­ons out­side. We  have been for­ging part­nerships with locals (libra­ry, parks, muse­ums) and we regu­lar­ly visit them with the children. 

We are com­mit­ted to sup­porting the har­mo­nious growth of every child, while offe­ring you com­ple­te peace of mind.

Requ­est Day­ca­re Cham

Would you like to visit our kin­der­gar­ten? Or would you like to regi­ster your child, but you still have some que­sti­ons? Then plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to con­ta­ct us. Click on the link below to book your pri­va­te visit. We look for­ward to your enqui­ry and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Baby windeln - erzieher

Ope­ning hours

Mon­day to Fri­day from 07.00 to 19.00 hrs
clo­sed for a week bet­ween Christ­mas and New Year


Children’s World

Kita Cham
Lor­zen­park­str. 2&4
CH-6330 Cham

Pho­ne: +41 41 780 01 01


Head of the daycare

Sel­vinaz Arslan 

“We see each child as an indi­vi­du­al and accom­pa­ny them in their deve­lo­p­ment and growth.” 

Depu­ty Manager

Noemi Schön­bäch­ler

“Take a child by the hand and let them lead you. Look at the stones they pick up and listen to what they tell you. As a reward, they will show you a world that you have long forgotten.” 


Can­ton of Aargau

Kin­der­gar­ten Ennet­ba­den

Bad­stras­se 2
5408 Ennet­ba­den
Pho­ne: +41 56 221 37 37


Can­ton of Aargau

Nurse­ry Baden-Dättwil

Täfern­stras­se 16a
CH-5405 Baden-Dätt­wil
Pho­ne: +41 56 470 00 10


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Cham

Lor­zen­park­str. 2&4,
CH-6330 Cham
Pho­ne: +41 41 780 01 01


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Zug

Gubel­stras­se 26
6300 Zug
Pho­ne: +41 41 710 84 60
