Children’s World has comprehensive concepts at all locations, also in terms of safety and hygiene and implements them with the highest possible quality standards. As a daycare provider, we are aware of our responsibility to relieve you as parents of the burden of your child-rearing duties even in times of greatest challenges, so that the compatibility of family and career is guaranteed. The health, well-being and safety of children, families and our employees are very important to us and we take them seriously. We are aware of the trust you place in us even in these uncertain times and would like to thank you for this.
With our proven protection conceptfor the coronavirus pandemic, which includes comprehensive hygiene and safety measures and is implemented conscientiously at every location, we follow the recommendation of the BAG (Federal Office of Public Health) and the trade association kibesuisse.
On request, the protection concept for Covid-19 can be viewed at any time. We kindly ask you to contact the site management of the respective location.
We consider it a fundamental goal and claim to inform consistently and promptly about changes and developments for the protection of all those involved in our day care facilities.
We at Children’s World wish you all good health!