Children’s World pro­tec­tion con­cept – Covid-19

Children’s World has com­pre­hen­si­ve con­cepts at all loca­ti­ons, also in terms of safe­ty and hygie­ne and imple­ments them with the hig­hest pos­si­ble qua­li­ty stan­dards. As a day­ca­re pro­vi­der, we are awa­re of our respon­si­bi­li­ty to relie­ve you as par­ents of the bur­den of your child-rea­ring duties even in times of grea­test chal­len­ges, so that the com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of fami­ly and care­er is gua­ran­te­ed. The health, well-being and safe­ty of child­ren, fami­lies and our employees are very important to us and we take them serious­ly. We are awa­re of the trust you place in us even in the­se uncer­tain times and would like to thank you for this.

With our pro­ven pro­tec­tion con­ceptfor the coro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic, which inclu­des com­pre­hen­si­ve hygie­ne and safe­ty mea­su­res and is imple­men­ted con­sci­en­tious­ly at every loca­ti­on, we fol­low the recom­men­da­ti­on of the BAG (Federal Office of Public Health) and the tra­de asso­cia­ti­on kibe­su­is­se.

On requ­est, the pro­tec­tion con­cept for Covid-19 can be view­ed at any time. We kind­ly ask you to con­ta­ct the site manage­ment of the respec­ti­ve location.

We con­si­der it a fun­da­men­tal goal and claim to inform con­sist­ent­ly and prompt­ly about chan­ges and deve­lo­p­ments for the pro­tec­tion of all tho­se invol­ved in our day care facilities. 

We at Children’s World wish you all good health!

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