Com­mu­ni­ty engagement 

We work with child­ren every day. They are very important to us. Not only the child­ren in our care, but also tho­se for whom life is more chal­len­ging. Whe­ther that is becau­se of the cir­cum­stan­ces in which they are gro­wing up, or due to phy­si­cal or men­tal challenges.

We also want to take respon­si­bi­li­ty beyond Children’s World by taking small steps to help child­ren in dif­fe­rent living conditions.

Com­mit­ment to social respon­si­bi­li­ty is part of our com­pa­ny cul­tu­re. That is why we try to make sup­porting less pri­vi­le­ged child­ren part of or dai­ly busi­ness as far as possible.

children's world reading Nursery Children


children's world Kita

… buy stamps and post­cards from orga­ni­sa­ti­ons that sup­port sick child­ren or child­ren with disabilities.

children's world painting children in the nursery

… actively sup­port a dif­fe­rent pro­ject each year, for examp­le, by hol­ding a social day or joi­ning in with events runs that sup­port children.

children's world Engagement in the nursery and kindergarten

… intro­du­ce the older child­ren to this topic. For examp­le, at our Baden site, we sold items made by the child­ren at our sum­mer fair and dona­ted the pro­ce­eds to a foun­da­ti­on for Swiss child­ren reli­ant on care. 


Can­ton of Aargau

Kin­der­gar­ten Ennet­ba­den

Bad­stras­se 2
5408 Ennet­ba­den
Pho­ne: +41 56 221 37 37


Can­ton of Aargau

Nurse­ry Baden-Dättwil

Täfern­stras­se 16a
CH-5405 Baden-Dätt­wil
Pho­ne: +41 56 470 00 10


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Cham

Lor­zen­park­str. 2&4,
CH-6330 Cham
Pho­ne: +41 41 780 01 01


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Zug

Gubel­stras­se 26
6300 Zug
Pho­ne: +41 41 710 84 60
