New annu­al plans 2021 online

Dear par­ents, our annu­al plans for 2021 are now online! You will find all important infor­ma­ti­on about holi­days, clo­sing days and vaca­ti­ons during which our day­ca­re cen­ters will be clo­sed. Plea­se visit the page of the respec­ti­ve day­ca­re cen­ter location.

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The dyna­mic self-image

«I haven’t fai­led. I have only found 10000 ways that don’t work.» Tho­mas A. Edi­son How we see our­sel­ves signi­fi­cant­ly influ­en­ces our actions. Alt­hough a person’s

Help me to do it myself

What does it actual­ly mean “Help me to do it myself”? «Accord­ing to Maria Mont­esso­ri, every child is the master buil­der of its­elf. From birth,