We offer several types of con­tract to suit the needs of each family 

“After-school” care for Kin­der­gar­ten kids

For child­ren who attend kin­der­gar­ten but have no child­ca­re opti­ons for the after­noons or school vaca­ti­ons, we offer various opti­ons.
The­se con­tracts are con­clu­ded for one school year and can be exten­ded. The regi­stra­ti­on fee is CHF 400. 

  • After­noons with lunch
  • After­noons
  • half or full day on requ­est ( see fle­xi­ble con­tract sections )

Plea­se refer to the ope­ra­ting con­cept of the day­ca­re cen­ter you are inte­re­sted in for infor­ma­ti­on on fees (the same fees app­ly for after­noons with lunch as for mornings).

Our per­ma­nent con­tract (limi­ted or unlimited)

Our most com­mon base con­tract, you sign up for a cer­tain num­ber of days, at least 2 half days or one full day per week. The care days in the week are fixed (e.g. every Mon­day and Thurs­day) to gua­ran­tee your child’s child­ca­re sche­du­le. The con­tract usual­ly ends on August 31st of the year in which your child turns 4 and starts man­da­to­ry school. We gua­ran­tee you a place until this date!
If you would like a shor­ter term, the con­tract can also be con­clu­ded with a spe­ci­fic end date.

For the kin­der­gar­ten (Ennet­ba­den), a con­tract is con­clu­ded for one year or two school years. The num­ber of days depends on the legal mini­mum of com­pul­so­ry school attendance. 

Our fle­xi­ble contract

In order to gua­ran­tee the fle­xi­bi­li­ty that our fami­lies some­ti­mes requi­re, we offer a fle­xi­ble con­tract. This has no mini­mum day of care per mon­th. Par­ents make requests by the day in the pre­vious mon­th accord­ing to their needs and our nurse­ry mana­gers accept the requ­est depen­ding on avai­la­bi­li­ty. Our mobi­le app makes this pro­cess very easy for everyone! 

Our short-term “holi­day” contracts

For child­ren who are not with us for the who­le year but would like to come for a few weeks or lon­ger if their usu­al form of child­ca­re is not avail­ab­le, we offer short-term con­tracts. The­se work on the same princip­le, but the regi­stra­ti­on fees are adju­sted accord­ing to the length of care requi­red. Child­ren who have just star­ted kin­der­gar­ten, for examp­le, are accep­ted for the first two years during the school vacations.