Whe­re child­ren help to shape their world.

From an ear­ly age, child­ren use all their sen­ses to explo­re and dis­co­ver the world around them. With us, child­ren feel at ease and get to expe­ri­ence what it’s like to be part of a community.

We let child­ren be child­ren, explo­re, move around and be crea­ti­ve. We crea­te an envi­ron­ment in which your child is nur­tu­red in a mind­ful way and encou­ra­ged to deve­lop as an individual.

children's world Kindergarten Children on the Startpage

We sup­port child­ren as they grow. 

We put nur­tu­re, buil­ding rela­ti­ons­hips and encou­ra­ge­ment at the heart of our work. Tog­e­ther with the child­ren, we use our ima­gi­na­ti­on to open ‘new win­dows’ onto the world, inspi­re their curio­si­ty and spark a love of lear­ning. We work in part­nership with par­ents and actively com­mu­ni­ca­te with you to keep you regu­lar­ly updated on your child’s progress.

We have child­ca­re estab­lish­ments in various towns and muni­ci­pa­li­ties in the can­tons of Zug and Aar­gau. Each estab­lish­ment has its own par­ti­cu­lar style of doing things. We ensu­re that stan­dards are con­sist­ent­ly reli­able across our estab­lish­ments thanks to the com­mon values that under­pin our busi­ness cul­tu­re, bilin­gu­al approach and a basic, uni­fied edu­ca­tio­nal phi­lo­so­phy. At all our sites, we work in accordance with tried-and-tested princi­ples that are age-appro­pria­te and help deve­lop your child’s skills. We are hap­py to talk to you in more detail about the spe­ci­fic fea­tures of your cho­sen child­ca­re establishment.


Can­ton of Aargau

Kin­der­gar­ten Ennet­ba­den

Bad­stras­se 2
5408 Ennet­ba­den
Pho­ne: +41 56 221 37 37


Can­ton of Aargau

Nurse­ry Baden-Dättwil

Täfern­stras­se 16a
CH-5405 Baden-Dätt­wil
Pho­ne: +41 56 470 00 10


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Cham

Lor­zen­park­str. 2&4,
CH-6330 Cham
Pho­ne: +41 41 780 01 01


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Zug

Gubel­stras­se 26
6300 Zug
Pho­ne: +41 41 710 84 60
