Work for Children’s World 

We value inde­pen­dent employees 

Our employees design and shape ever­y­day life at the nurse­ry. They are respon­si­ble for the child­ren in their care and are the first point of con­ta­ct for par­ents. They are dedi­ca­ted and have pro­fes­sio­nal and social skills.

We sup­port you at work 

We want our employees to enjoy working with us and stay for many years. Mutu­al appre­cia­ti­on and open com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on are important to us. We want our employees to be able to focus on their work and con­ti­nue their per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment. We encou­ra­ge this by pro­vi­ding them with sup­port in their day-to-day work, sharing know­ledge intern­al­ly, pro­vi­ding regu­lar trai­ning oppor­tu­nities and sup­porting their per­so­nal development.

Why our employees enjoy working for us

‘My job at Children’s World enri­ches my life becau­se I get to expe­ri­ence how the child­ren grow and also becau­se of the chal­len­ges I face every day.’

children's world, Jody Dunbar Gruppenleiterin Kita Cham
Jody Dun­bar
Edu­ca­tor, Cham nursery

It moti­va­tes me to teach the child­ren in a play­ful way how to hand­le dai­ly tasks as well as to deve­lop spe­cial skills.

children's world, Jenalyn Dopp Praktikantin Kita Cham
Jena­lyn Dopp
Intern, Cham nursery

«I love to work in Children’s World becau­se here I could use my own inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­ence in the pro­cess of all-round drawing out of the best in the child: body, mind and spi­rit and help the mul­ti­cul­tu­ral child­ren to be con­fi­dent in this glo­ba­li­zed world.»

children's world Xing Li Englisch- und Chinesischlehrerin, Miterzieherin, Kindergarten Ennetbaden
Xing Li
Eng­lish and Chi­ne­se Tea­cher,
Edu­ca­tor, Kin­der­gar­ten Ennetbaden


Can­ton of Aargau

Kin­der­gar­ten Ennet­ba­den

Bad­stras­se 2
5408 Ennet­ba­den
Pho­ne: +41 56 221 37 37


Can­ton of Aargau

Nurse­ry Baden-Dättwil

Täfern­stras­se 16a
CH-5405 Baden-Dätt­wil
Pho­ne: +41 56 470 00 10


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Cham

Lor­zen­park­str. 2&4,
CH-6330 Cham
Pho­ne: +41 41 780 01 01


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Zug

Gubel­stras­se 26
6300 Zug
Pho­ne: +41 41 710 84 60
