children's world: Kreativ sein in der Kita und im Kindergarten

Our model

Our gui­ding princi­ples descri­be our proac­ti­ve approach to inter­ac­ting with child­ren, par­ents and employees. They form the back­bone of our busi­ness cul­tu­re. We are com­mit­ted to con­ti­nuous­ly checking and reviewing that our values and approach to work are reflec­ted in our ever­y­day tasks. We honour our com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty by con­ti­nuous­ly deve­lo­ping the way we think and act.

Our mis­si­on
Focus on the child

‘Par­ents ent­rust their child­ren to us. We are always, and in every situa­ti­on, con­scious of the task and respon­si­bi­li­ty of caring for them. It brings us joy. Tog­e­ther in our team, we look after and sup­port the child­ren ent­ru­sted to us in a safe and secu­re envi­ron­ment – and in accordance with the rele­vant guidelines.’

children's world: Unser Anspruch an Qualität

Our values

‘We tre­at each child as an indi­vi­du­al and sup­port them as requi­red, depen­ding on their par­ti­cu­lar strengths and weak­nes­ses, their spe­ci­fic needs and their own fee­lings, expe­ri­en­ces and back­ground. The child­ren deve­lop at their own pace, in their own way, fol­lo­wing their own inner ‘blue­print’. We help them do that. Our estab­lish­ments are poli­ti­cal­ly and reli­gious­ly neu­tral. We wel­co­me all child­ren, regard­less of their natio­na­li­ty, eth­ni­ci­ty, reli­gi­on, lan­guage and gender.’

Our employees

‘All our employees have their own indi­vi­du­al strengths and abi­li­ties, which they put to use for the bene­fit of their groups and the child­ren in them. We encou­ra­ge and sup­port one ano­t­her. The main focus of our work is on respon­si­bi­li­ty, relia­bi­li­ty, pro­fes­sio­na­lism and working tog­e­ther to achie­ve our goals and deve­lop our busi­ness. Our employees feel sup­por­ted and empowe­red to act auto­no­mous­ly and with a sen­se of joint responsibility.’


‘We pro­vi­de the con­di­ti­ons that par­ents need in order to achie­ve work-life balan­ce. Good, open coope­ra­ti­on is important to us. We encou­ra­ge acti­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and are proac­ti­ve about regu­lar­ly invol­ving par­ents in day-to-day care through various com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on chan­nels. We are open to recei­ving feed­back, sug­ge­sti­ons and questions.’

Our com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty and con­ti­nuous improvement

‘Every aspect of our work is car­ri­ed out to the hig­hest pos­si­ble stan­dards of qua­li­ty, and we always also rely on com­mon sen­se. As part of our com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty, we use reflec­tion and inno­va­ti­on to con­ti­nuous­ly deve­lop and impro­ve at the indi­vi­du­al, group and orga­ni­sa­tio­nal levels.’


Can­ton of Aargau

Kin­der­gar­ten Ennet­ba­den

Bad­stras­se 2
5408 Ennet­ba­den
Pho­ne: +41 56 221 37 37


Can­ton of Aargau

Nurse­ry Baden-Dättwil

Täfern­stras­se 16a
CH-5405 Baden-Dätt­wil
Pho­ne: +41 56 470 00 10


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Cham

Lor­zen­park­str. 2&4,
CH-6330 Cham
Pho­ne: +41 41 780 01 01


Can­ton of Zug

Nurse­ry Zug

Gubel­stras­se 26
6300 Zug
Pho­ne: +41 41 710 84 60
