Pic­tu­re Books and Their Stories

“A child­hood without books – that would be no child­hood. That would be like being shut out from the enchan­ted place whe­re you can go and find the rarest kind of joy.”

Astrid Lind­gren, 1956

A good sto­ry can move the mas­ses — sto­ries can open up the world to a child. With mea­ning­ful pic­tures and con­cise words, pic­tu­re books not only pro­vi­de access to ones’ immedia­te rea­li­ty and ever­y­day things, but also to more dif­fi­cult topics such as “fee­lings” or “cul­tu­ral identity”.

By defi­ni­ti­on, the pic­tu­re book is aimed at rea­ders who are not yet able to read — the per­fect medi­um for child­ren bet­ween 2 and 8 years of age. Only in the cour­se of their second year of life does a child’s abi­li­ty to reco­gni­se and under­stand pic­tures deve­lop. It is the fami­li­ar things from their immedia­te envi­ron­ment that the child reco­gni­s­es from illu­stra­ti­ons and likes to look at.

Tell and listen

The child is depen­dent on the rea­der and needs a nar­ra­tor who also listens when the child wants to show, ask or tell some­thing. This sti­mu­la­ting lin­gu­istic and cogni­ti­ve exchan­ge is espe­cial­ly important at kin­der­gar­ten age, becau­se ide­al­ly the sto­ry in the book covers the ran­ge of inte­rests and abi­li­ties of the listeners. Of cour­se, the respon­si­bi­li­ty falls on the tea­cher, becau­se he/she is the eva­lua­ting body and selects topics and media accord­in­gly — an awa­reness of qua­li­ta­ti­ve dif­fe­ren­ces in the media, as well as the indi­vi­du­al needs and inte­rests of the child­ren, is of gre­at import­ance, becau­se not every sto­ry needs telling.

Kin­der­gar­ten Ennetbaden

Pho­to by Ben Mul­lins on Unsplash

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