The “Chin­der­wält” day­ca­re cen­ter in Dätt­wil beco­mes a part­ner of the Kan­tons­spi­tal Baden AG

Coope­ra­ti­on on issu­es of ope­ra­tio­nal orga­niz­a­ti­on and ensu­ring enough space capa­ci­ty in case of bot­t­len­ecks in the “BaSpi”daycare

The “Kita Chin­der­wält” day­ca­re in Baden-Dätt­wil, which belongs to the Children’s World Group, and the Kan­tons­spi­tal Baden AG have been working tog­e­ther in the area of child­ca­re sin­ce the begin­ning of 2020. If demand for child­ca­re places at KSB’s “BaSpi” day care cen­ter remains high, this means that addi­tio­nal day care places will be avail­ab­le in the immedia­te vicini­ty in the event of bottlenecks.

High qua­li­ty child­ca­re – same super­vi­so­ry body

Both day­ca­re cen­ters are visi­ted at regu­lar inter­vals by the same super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty, the city of Baden, and are checked for com­pli­an­ce with the qua­li­ty gui­de­li­nes. In both faci­li­ties, the child­ren recei­ve the same high qua­li­ty and appre­cia­ti­ve sup­port and care.

In addi­ti­on, the two day­ca­re cen­ters intend to work more clo­se­ly tog­e­ther in the future on topics such as spe­ci­fic trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on, the imple­men­ta­ti­on of qua­li­ty gui­de­li­nes or busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment using inno­va­ti­ve soft­ware solutions. 

The “Chin­der­wält” day­ca­re cen­ter is also open to par­ents of KSB part­ner companies. 

To the “Chin­der­wält” day­ca­re cen­ter in Baden-Dättwil

The “Chin­der­wält” day­ca­re accom­mo­da­tes four groups of child­ren aged 3 mon­ths to kin­der­gar­ten ent­ry in its open, bright rooms 2 kilo­me­ters from KSB. The edu­ca­tio­nal con­cept is based on the “lear­ning by play­ing” approach. A bilin­gu­al (German/English) group has recent­ly been estab­lished. You can learn more about the “Chin­der­wält” at

The day care cen­ter “Chin­der­wält” at Täfern­stras­se 16A in Daett­wil belongs to the Children’s World Group, which runs a bilin­gu­al kin­der­gar­ten based on the Mont­esso­ri method in Ennetbaden.

If you have any que­sti­ons or requi­re fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to con­ta­ct the head of the “Chin­der­wält”.

Gaby Peter­hans

+41 56 470 00 10

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