Congra­tu­la­ti­ons on the 5th anni­ver­s­a­ry of service

Hel­len Bringolf,

Co-edu­ca­tor, CW Cham

Noemi Schön­bäch­ler,

group lea­der, CW Cham

Kry­st­le Engelen,

Mont­esso­ri edu­ca­tor, CW Ennetbaden

Muri­el Wiedemeier,

Co-edu­ca­tor, CW / Chin­der­wält Baden

Not only our child­ren, who are loo­ked after and accom­pa­nied by you appre­cia­te you and are hap­py to shape the day-to-day with you each and every day, we are also very hap­py to know you as an employee in our Children’s World com­pa­ny. With your tireless com­mit­ment, your incom­pa­ra­ble ener­gy and your wealth of ide­as, you con­tri­bu­te every day and this for many years to our suc­cess in day-to-day day-care and kin­der­gar­ten life. A tru­ly gre­at achievement!

We would like to thank you very much for the very good and tru­sting coope­ra­ti­on as well as your loyal­ty and wish you con­ti­nued joy at work, hap­pi­ness and health!

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